
藝訊 2010年十月號

劉宏達 / 《雙長相因》陶藝展參展者及協助成員



《雙長相因》陶藝展的念頭可說是純粹的,由「大家再一次走在一起」出發。其意念產生,能追溯至二零零八年,策動的是一班主修陶藝的畢業生。意念初出至今天 展覽的出現歷時兩年半,一小步一小步的,走到今天寬敞的展場,讓歷屆畢業生以此作平台,另透過多元的配合活動,訴說著陶土與大家的故事。

因為不甘於這只是一個舊生展,展覽委員會成員經連番討論,反思展覽主題,最終取名「雙長相因」,我會這樣演繹:陶土成形至燒製完成的同時,意念如一粒種子 得以萌芽與成長,即「雙長」;我在塑造陶土,陶土同時形成了我,二者關係密不可分,是彼此之源,是「相因」。「雙長相因」一詞,概述了參展者在技藝學養 上,隨年月的積累,有所進益,製成作品;反過來,作品的呈現又反映作者本人。

其中,「分享集」的出現,是延伸展覽可讀性的好幫手,讓我們扮演「導聽陶說」者,以陶/圖結合文字,叫觀眾的2D-3D思維、文字與圖像互相撞擊。展覽為 社區團體及公眾提供導賞已屬常事,計劃中更會配以涉及觸感的教育角,展示有關陶藝與自身的及感官上的關係,嘗試填補都市人久違了的觸感空隙。

Zoe  Coughlan指出她在做陶的過程中,「做」成為了「瞭解」與「感知」的方法。認為當我們充分發揮所「想」,直覺因而得以發展,隨之能與外界聯繫……而「習慣」之形成,成為找出問題與解難的規律,可見當中藉實際行動,思想方式因此改變。
蕭錦嫺認為心手互為關顧溝通 之際,陶泥蛻變,而實象亦呈現,「自己」也在其中。

光陰荏苒,十載時光過去,是甚麼驅使我們仍有這股傻勁埋首工作?不吝嗇自己的付出?也是為了一樣東西──泥。「我塑造陶土之時,陶土亦改變了我」為箇中魅 力之一?還是追求陶我兩忘的「化境」?或是「我泥中有你,你泥中有我」1的詩意?除此,仍有絕大的部分也非單靠言語以確切傳達的。還是,更多的,是基於大 家對陶藝作為藝術一分子的發展仍舊關注,對創作仍有的一份執著,以及於陶藝之中及以外的抱負與使命感?

1.原出元代管道升《我儂詞》,她得悉丈夫趙孟頫欲納妾而作下此婉轉的詞。原文:「你儂我儂,忒煞情多,情多處,熱如火。 把一塊泥,捻一個你,塑一個我。 將咱兩個,一齊打破,用水調和。 再捻一個你,再塑一個我。 我泥中有你,你泥中有我。 與你生同一個衾,死同一個槨。」

Dual Plasticity: Unconfined by the Traditional Ideals of Beauty

from Artslink oct 2010

Lau Wang–tat / Participants and helper of the Dual Plasticity exhibition

”It is my pride to take part in and witness the birth of this exhibition.”

Dual Plasticity is a ceramic exhibition.  This exhibition showcases ceramic works created by graduates from the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Programme, which is co-presented by RMIT University, Australia, and Hong Kong Art School.

The Origin
Dual Plasticity started with a simple idea of “let’s get back together and make some art”.  The idea was populated amongst a group of ceramics graduates with a shared passion for clay.  It was the creative exchanges between participants [these ceramic artists?] in the past two years that led to this grand scale project, with supporting activities at the spacious JCCAC galleries.  It is our honour to share our creative experiences and artistic passion with you all today at this ceramic exhibition.

Kneading My Clay and Modeling Myself
It is common for graduates to come together and co-create an exhibition.  However, a co-exhibition for pure aesthetic enjoyment and satisfaction amongst us is not the aim of our artistic pursuits.  Through a series of discussions between our members, we decided to exhibit under the theme of “Dual Plasticity”, to share our thoughts and stories about our creative process with the public.
During our study to become professional ceramic artists, we learnt how to transform and mold clay into the form we desired and to further use it as a medium to express ourselves.  “Plasticity” is one of the unique properties of clay.  It signifies the capability of clay to be modeled and ultimately transformed into the desired form.  However, as we work with clay throughout our lives, we discover that not only do we the artists take part in the modeling process, the clay itself too models and transforms us at the same time.   Clay not only changes our way of thinking and our way of perceiving things, it sometimes radically transforms our lives, careers and goals in life.  Hence, “plasticity” is not only a term applicable towards clay, but is also relevant to describing artists whose lives are modeled by clay.  In light of this highly bilateral relationship between artists and their materials, we chose “Dual Plasticity” as the theme of this exhibition.

The “Dual Plasticity” between You and Me
In this exhibition, we have a “Book of Sharing” that collects various photos of clay works and writings from the artists.  Through the actual artworks and the descriptions in the book, we hope to provide a more interactive curating experience to the audience.
There will also be a Forum at the exhibition on the topic of “Review and Outlook of Hong Kong Ceramics”.  We are very honoured to have experienced artists and distinguished personalities from the arts industry to share their views with the public.  All visitors are welcome to participate in the Forum and learn more about the ceramic art scene in Hong Kong.

How did Clay Transform Us?
We have mentioned the close relationship between clay and artists.  To better illustrate this idea, we have interviewed a few exhibitors:-
“Through creating my artworks, I understand that it is essential to go through trial and failure before one is able to produce a successful artwork.  Now, I become less afraid of failure and allow myself more room to make mistakes.  I do not mind taking risks and radical steps in life as a form of experimentation.  Over the past few years, I have changed my career and have been learning new things from artists all over the world.  I am eager to see how I have transformed through this process of searching.”  (Chan See-kwong Ray)
“Making becomes a way of knowing.  The actions associated with working with clay, understanding the properties of the material and the frustrations involved engage our minds in a different way… We develop an understanding of our way of thinking and how we connect with the world outside.  These “habits” establish a rhythm between problem solving and problem finding.  Through action, we start to think differently. “ (Zoe  Coughlan)
“As I transform my clay, my mind and hands are united.  Gradually, the clay is transformed into the form I desire, preserving the “I” in it.” (Siu Kam-han)
“In this moment of silence, sometimes I feel that the clay and I understand each other perfectly. We know exactly what the other wants to do and work in perfect harmony.” (Ho Man-yee Blanche)

For ten years, we have worked tirelessly to produce works of clay.  There were times when we questioned our undying drive in artistic pursuit.  Where does this vibe come from? Why are we willing to sacrifice so much for our artistic career? Maybe the answer lies in the charisma of clay itself.  Many of us here have experienced the intense bond between our clay and ourself.  Through modeling our clay, we are able to search for our own identity and ultimately transform ourselves into a more complete person.  Perhaps this is also opening the door to the spiritual experience where one can forget one’s individual identity and bond with the world as a whole.  Or even it can be the kind of artistic romanticism as described in the line of “In my clay I see you, and in your clay I can see myself”.  These experiences and spiritual elements of ceramics are hard to express through words alone.  Yet one thing we are certain is that we all share the same genuine concern for the future development of ceramics and have a strong sense of responsibility towards continuing our contribution to this art form.

“Dual Plasticity” Ceramics Exhibition (Press Release)

In celebration of the graduation of the 10th cohort of the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) program, co-presented by the RMIT University, Australia and the Hong Kong Art School (a division of Hong Kong Arts Centre), 43 ceramics alumni from the past ten years are proud to present their most recent work in a ceramics exhibition and to put on a series of events under the theme “Dual Plasticity” – to mold and be molded.

In this exhibition, not only ceramic artworks are to be displayed: in addition, the graduates attempt to share with the viewers how clay has changed them individually through the making of an exhibition publication, the “Book of Sharing”.

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