花器密語 — 蕭錦嫺陶瓷作品展 by art-news 藝頻







2017年11月4日 – 2017年11月26日
開放時間: 13:30 – 18:00 (五至日)

Source: http://www.arts-news.net/node/23133
PDF: 花器密語 — 蕭錦嫺陶瓷作品展
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“Dual Plasticity” Ceramics Exhibition (Press Release)

In celebration of the graduation of the 10th cohort of the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) program, co-presented by the RMIT University, Australia and the Hong Kong Art School (a division of Hong Kong Arts Centre), 43 ceramics alumni from the past ten years are proud to present their most recent work in a ceramics exhibition and to put on a series of events under the theme “Dual Plasticity” – to mold and be molded.

In this exhibition, not only ceramic artworks are to be displayed: in addition, the graduates attempt to share with the viewers how clay has changed them individually through the making of an exhibition publication, the “Book of Sharing”.

Continue reading ““Dual Plasticity” Ceramics Exhibition (Press Release)”

Come elbow bump us! (Press Release of Art-n-Connectors)

Come elbow bump us!

The first MA in Fine Arts class from The Chinese University of Hong Kong to unveil group show art-n-connectors

Hong Kong (June 4, 2010): The first cohort of MA in Fine Arts students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong will open its show, “art-n-connectors” on July 2, 2010 at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Center.

The exhibition will showcase works of more than 20 artists that reflect diverse practices, skills, professional experience, and personal background. Differences have worked for rather than against these practitioners in a group setting — bringing new light, excitement, and possibilities that enrich each other’s art practices, approaches, and ways of thinking.

It is Art that’s the Connector (another name for elbow bump, a unique way of greeting by touching or tapping elbows) as much as these art practitioners are the connectors who want to reach all walks of life, extraterrestrial included, through their plethora of practices, issues interested, and medium deployed ranging from painting, sculpture, installation, ceramics, glass to performance, photography, video, and community projects.

Aiming to engage new audiences and different communities, the participating practitioners will also host a ‘Meet-the-Artists’ session on Saturday July 3, 2010 from 3pm to 5pm in conjunction with this exhibition.

Show Details:

Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Center, 7A Kennedy Road, Central (inside Hong Kong Park) [google map]
Date: Friday, July 2 – Friday, July 9, 2010; closed on Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Time: 10am-9pm; July 9, 2010 10am-6pm

Opening Reception:

Thursday, July 1, 2010, 7-8:30pm

Meet-the-Artists Session:

Venue:   Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Center [google map]
Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010
Time: 3pm-5pm

陶情密意 Presence in Clay (Press Release)


Presence in Clay
by ceramic artists: Lau Wang Tat, Siu Kam Han &Yu May Ming
Slowness in pottery making is an antidote to fast pace city life.
Through exploration with one’s hands, “objet d’art” that provides
relief is created in the process. The exhibited art piece is
simultaneously private yet public. It bespeaks the artist’s story, yet
how the story may end is irrelevant. Perhaps, the ability to perceive
an inner essence is of greater importance?

地點 Venue: 香港視覺藝術中心展覽廳 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Hall
中環堅尼地道7A / 7A Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong )
日期及時間 Date & Time: 05.01.2009 – 16.01.2009(10:00am-9:00pm)
星期二休館 Closed on Tuesdays

Language (Press Release)

Language is an indispensable tool of our lives. We rely on it to understand and connect to the world. In this exhibition, six artists employ the medium of ceramics to explore the latent power language has on people, culture, and society.

Blanche Ho examines the unique nature of Chinese people through the use of the pictograph “人” (person). Yip Lai Yin reflects on how “body language” may compensate for the imperfections of the written language. Yu May Ming sees the human body in foul language as a reflection of a conservative Chinese society. Lau Wang Tat uses a game of word play to compare cultural differences among diverse Chinese regions. Lam Chi Kwong treats language as an evolving living creature that creates a sense of loss and helplessness among human beings. Siu Kam Han takes on the last ten years of local political rhetoric, to uncover how words of authority can have a deep impact on collective memory.

Ceramic Exhibition by Blanche Ho, Lam Chi Kwong, Lau Wang Tat, Siu Kam Han, Yip Lai Yin & Yu May Ming.

Exhibition period: October 5 to October 30, 2007
: The Pottery Workshop
2 Lower Albert Road, Central.
: 11:00am to 7:00pm (closed on Sunday & Public holidays)
Opening Reception
: 5th October 2007(Friday) 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Artists Sharing
: 12th October 2007(Friday) 7:00pm
